PnP Systems


PnP Systems is R&D company, which has been created to develop hi-technology applications in cooperation with major Polish and an international institutes and organizations. Our strategy is to focus on design and production of dedicated products and application.

PnP Systems specialization includes:

  • navigation systems
  • radio-communication systems
  • analogue and digital electronics
  • GIS, GMES, sattelite images
  • telecommunication systems
  • multisensory systems
  • spectrometers
  • remote sensing
  • geospatial analyses
  • data processing
  • inertial systems

Its priority is also the monitoring of the policies of the European institutions as well as development in the industrial scene and evaluate their consequences for the Polish energy and space sector. The company’s mission is to promote and actively participate in the development of smart grid and space applications and technologies in co-operation with Polish and international organizations.

Our professional experience is based on experience of our specialists and experts who have had opportunity during their professional carrier to cooperate with such companies like: Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research, ESA, NASA, Space Research Centre Polish Academy of Science, ISRO, Soltan Institute for Nuclear Science, Bergen University, Kiel University, Warsaw University of Technology, Military University of Technology, PIAP, Astri Polska.